overseas adj. 1.来自海外的,海外的,外国的。 2.往海外的。 an overseas edition (期刊的)海外版。 the overseas trade 对外贸易。 an overseas broadcast program 对(国)外(的)广播节目。 the overseas Chinese 华侨。 overseas remittance 侨汇。 adv. 向海外,向国外;在海外。
fund n. 1.资金,基金,专款。 2.〔pl.〕 〔the funds〕 (国家的)财源;〔英国〕公债。 3.〔pl.〕 存款,现款。 4.储备,蕴藏。 5.特别基金管理机构。 a fund of knowledge 丰富的知识。 idle funds 游资。 public welfare funds 公益金。 a reserve fund公积金。 a scholarship fund奖学金基金。 a sinking fund偿债基金。 funds for the living of troops 军队的生活费。 in funds 有钱;有资本。 out of funds 缺钱。 the (public) funds 公债。 vt. 1.换(短期借款)为长期公债。 2.〔英国〕投(资金)于公债。 3.把…列作为基金[专款]。 4.为…提供基金,储存(一笔钱款)以资生息。
Our capital market has attracted huge amounts of overseas funds and won recognition from international investors 此外,我们的资本市场吸引了大量海外资金,得到国际投资者认同。
The former president is already receiving payments from the overseas fund and will take a third of the profits when it is dissolved , not sooner than 2011 同时,在2011年前,克林顿还从那项海外投资中获取三分之一的盈利。
So far , overseas funded financial institutions in china include foreign funded banks , foreign funded financial companies , and foreign funded insurance companies 现已在中国设立的外资金融机构有外资银行外资财务公司和外资保险公司。
And all our markets have suffered as overseas fund managers precipitately change their weightings in this region without taking time to weigh up the fundamentals 另一方面,海外基金经理没有花点时间评估亚太区的基本因素,便突然改变他们在亚太区的投资比重,这使区内所有市场都蒙受损失。
Effective next month , overseas fund management and insurance companies with assets of at least usd 5bn can gain approval to invest in yuan - denominated equities and bonds , reduced from the previous usd 10bn threshold 由下月开始,资产值最少达50亿美元的境外基金管理及保险公司可获准投资于人民币计价股票及债券,而之前的门坎为100亿美元。
A foreign financial organization applying to set up overseas funded financial institution in china must have total assets large enough to meet the required standard . its home country must have a strict financial supervisory system 申请设立外资金融机构的外国金融机构,总资产须达到一定的规模,其所在国须有严格的金融监管,并且在华设立代表机构达二年以上。
The discount transactions of closed - end funds are the normal phenomena of china and overseas fund market , and the failure of traditional economic theories to explain the discount brought suspicion to the efficiency market hypothesis 摘要封闭式基金的折价交易是国内外基金市场的普遍现象,而传统经济理论在解释封闭式基金折价现象方面的失败对“市场有效性假说”提出了质疑。